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Возвращено 442 результата(-ов)
  • Criatividade para Transformação Social

    Descubra as 5 considerações criativas para campanhas focadas em causas sociais. Você verá exemplos e aprenderá como aplicá-los em sua campanha criativa para gerar mais resultados para sua causa e, consequentemente, promover transformação. Manu Gambagorte Manu está no mercado ha...

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  • Creative Cause Driven Ideas

    Learn about the 5 creative considerations for cause driven ads. You’ll see examples from each best practice, and learn how to apply it with your own creative so you can generate more action for you cause and drive real change....

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  • Understanding Social Issue Ad Policies

    Learn about the 5 creative considerations for cause driven ads. You’ll see examples from each best practice, and learn how to apply it with your own creative so so you can generate more action for you cause and drive real...

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  • Determine the Right Measurement Approach - Marketing Science

    Marketing science is the robust use of data to make better marketing decisions that are grounded in data and science. In this course, you’ll learn how to formulate a test hypothesis and choose the appropriate dependent and independent variables...

    • Продолжительность
    • Рейтинг 4.7
  • Generate Insights to Make Data-Driven Recommendations - Marketing Science

    This course teaches you how to extract insights from data and how to use insights to make data-driven recommendations. This is the final of four sessions designed to help learners prepare for the Facebook Certified Marketing Science Professional exam....

    • Продолжительность 38м
    • Рейтинг 4.6
  • Social Good for Business

    People around the world are motivated to achieve meaningful change for society through social good. Businesses and brands can also make social good a priority and help create a better future for their customers, their businesses and the world....

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  • Drive your Client’s Sales Goals with Facebook

    How to engage with your clients to set both you and the client up for success? The answer is based on science. To help you get started with science-based selling, this session will demonstrate a model for successful client engagement....

    • Рейтинг 4.7
  • Курсы для подготовки к экзамену 100-101 на сертификацию Facebook для специалистов по цифровому маркетингу

    Пройдите эти уроки, чтобы подготовиться к экзамену 100-101 для Сертифицированного Facebook специалиста по цифровому маркетингу. Курсы упорядочены по темам и важности в соответствии с количеством вопросов по той или иной теме на экзамене.

    • Коллекция
    • Рейтинг 5.0
  • Promover as metas de vendas de seu cliente com o Facebook

    Como engajar com os clientes para preparar o cliente e a mim mesmo para o sucesso? A resposta é baseada em ciência. Para ajudar a começar com a venda baseada em ciência, esta sessão demonstrará um modelo de sucesso de...

    • Событие
  • 利用 Facebook 帮助客户实现销售目标

    该如何与客户接洽,才能为双方奠定迈向成功的基础? 答案基于科学。此课程将介绍一个成功的客户接洽模型,帮助您开始基于科学的销售。在课程结束时,您将学到实用的销售技巧,可帮助您与客户建立信任关系,从而更高效地达成更多销售。

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  • クライアントの売上目標達成をInstagramやFacebookでサポートする

    貴社とクライアントの両方を成功に導くためには、どのようにクライアントと関わっていけばよいのでしょうか。 その答えは科学に基づくものです。このセッションでは、科学的根拠に基づいたセールスを始めるために、クライアントとのエンゲージメントを成功させるためのモデルを示します。 このセッションを修了すると、クライアントとの信頼関係を構築して売上を伸ばすのに役立つ販売テクニックを学ぶことができます。

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  • Impulsa los objetivos de venta de tu cliente con Facebook

    ¿Cómo interactúas con los clientes para conseguir tanto tu propio éxito como el de ellos? La respuesta tiene base científica. Para empezar a aplicar ventas con base científica, en esta sesión se demostrará un modelo para la interacción exitosa con...

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  • Drive your Client’s Sales Goals with Facebook

    How to engage with your clients to set both you and the client up for success? The answer is based on science. To help you get started with science-based selling, this session will demonstrate a model for successful client engagement....

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  • Stärke mit Facebook die Umsatzziele deines Kunden

    Wie kommunizierst du mit deinen Kunden, um sowohl deinen Erfolg als auch den deines Kunden zu sichern? Die Antwort beruht auf wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen. Um dir den Einstieg in wissenschaftlich fundiertes Verkaufen zu erleichtern, stellen wir dir in dieser Sitzung ein...

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